3D OCT-1 Maestro2, Optični koherentni tomograf Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro2 je popolnoma avtomatiziran OCT aparat z integrirano...
DRI OCT Triton, Swept Source OCT DRI OCT Triton, anteriorni in posteriorni Swept Source OCT, prvi na svetu, ki združuje Swept...
Swept Source OCT Angio, OCT Angiografija z uporabo najnovejše Swept Source OCT tehnologije: vrhunsko slikanje s pomočjo...
3D OCT-1 Maestro, Optični koherentni tomograf S samo enim dotikom konice prsta 3D OCT-1 Maestro samodejno skenira obe oči in...
3D OCT-2000, Optical Coherence Tomography The Topcon 3D OCT-2000 incorporates a high resolution colour fundus camera with the...
3D OCT-2000 FA plus, Optical Coherence Tomography The Topcon 3D OCT-2000 FA plus is the ultimate all-in-one OCT for OCT scans,...