With the combination of an optical biometer and full corneal topographer, Topcon pioneered the concept of “the complete picture” in IOL power calculation. Now the complete picture has been enhanced with the addition of the Barrett Universal formula to improve your premium IOL choice decision. The Universal II formula developed by Dr Barrett, is a method of predicting IOL power based on Gaussian optics and utilizes this information to calculate the effect of the cylinder power at the cornea. The ALADDIN’s Barrett Formula Suite includes the Barrett Rx, the Barrett Toric Calculator Formula, the Barrett True K and the Barrett Universal II formulae. The Barrett formula uses several variables (keratometry, axial length, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness and horizontal white-to-white measurement) to obtain accurate calculation of IOL power. With the incorporation of the latest in IOL calculation formulae, the ALADDIN remains at the forefront of IOL calculation technology. |
Registration for the 2nd International Swept Source OCT & Angiography Conference OPENS SOON |
On 19th of July, the registration for the 2nd International Swept Source OCT & and Angiography (ISSOCT) conference in Paris, will open. The conference will be held on 16th & 17th of February 2018 Leading ophthalmologists consider new clinical findings made possible with Swept Source Imaging and the implications for the management of patients. Scientific Program Committee: Register on: https://www.issoct.com/ |
- Popolnoma avtomatiziran
- Integrirana normativna baza, avtomatska izdelava poročil
- Integrirana ne-midriatična retinalna kamera
Zdaj po izjemni ceni ! Zahtevajte svojo ponudbo !
Več na voljo na : https://www.issoct.com/
Dovoljenje za pregled oči sladkornih bolnikov za Topconovo najnovejšo retinalno kamero
Topcon danes najavlja, da je bila njihova najnovejša retinalna kamera Topcon TRC-NW400 ravnokar odobrena s strani NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (NDESP). NDESP priporoča, da vsi programi, ki načrtujejo nakup kamer za uporabo pri pregledih oči sladkornih bolnikov, izberejo kamere iz okvirnega dogovora, saj to zagotavlja pridobitev najustreznejše opreme in ustrezne pogodbe za vzdrževanje. Za celotni seznam kamer obiščite www.diabeticeye.screening.nhs.uk
Poleg odobritve NDESP je Topcon TRC-NW400 izredno intuitivna in enostavna za uporabo ter je manjša od drugih ne-midriatičnih fundus kamer, ki so danes na tržišču in proizvajajo izredno kakovost slik. Poleg tradicionalnih nosnih, središčnih in časovnih pritrdilnih točk lahko Topcon TRC-NW400 z devetimi pritrdilnimi točkami pridobi celotni periferni pogled.
Poleg tega so zaznavanje majhne zenice, visoka stopnja občutljivosti in nizka stopnja intenzivnosti bliskavice del sklopa razpoložljivih možnosti tega inštrumenta, zaradi česar lažje izdela odlične slike in zmanjša stres pacienta med preiskavo.
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